Larry L

CRank: 5Score: 28430

There have been a few others that have had cross-platform play. Phantasy Star Universe had cross-platform play between PC, PS2 and 360.

I actually own a PSP game that has x-platform between it and PC, though it's just a lame kinda game, Marvel Trading Card Game.

I think I heard the new Magic The Gathering is cross-platform between PS3 and PC.

If The Agency ever releases, that was planned to be cross-platform play as well. Though I'm n...

5099d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only Daytona and Indy will be in what? GT5? Well I can already tell you you're wrong about that. I know Texas is in the game because in the old GT5 NASCAR documentary thinky it shows a couple glimpses of it. And I may also recall in one of the videos I've seen, seeing Michigan on one of the track walls. It IS going to have some NASCAR tracks. And from it's popularity, it will probably have Bristol too. But I just don't think it's going to have many more than that. I want t...

5103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Obviously when it comes to physics and being a true NASCAR "sim", yes, GT5 is going to be incredible. BUT.....I have a bad feeling the NASCAR portion of GT5 is going to have a severe lack of the good NASCAR tracks.

I think it's going to have Daytona, Talladega, Indy, and then a bunch of the big ovals like Texas, Lowe's, California, Michigan and if we're lucky the only good one of those types of tracks....Atlanta.

I don't think it'...

5103d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Motorstorm is by far the most under-rated racing game ever. It's paid the price for being PS3 exclusive when it wasn't the best time to be a {S3 exclusive game. Not SO bad sales wise, because I think both games sold a couple million. But it was worse in the media sense. They weren't all given their due sometimes. Motorstorm 1 got decent ratings, some 9s too, but Pacififc Rift was just randomly given 7s-7.5s which makes no sense. Because a fan of the first game would know that Paci...

5110d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly how ignorant are you? This isn't paying for simple online play like Live. Online play stays free for everyone. This is all for additional extras and freebees. I doubt that price is correct anyway. But even IF it is, with free minis and PS1 games along with free DLC and other stuff, the price is off-set.

As for myself, being a PS3 and PSP Go owner, this could turn out great because of the free games. The price is a bit high tho to be honest, but the rumor last week...

5123d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone else notice out of ALL the previews I've ever seen for this game, not a single one ever mentions the exclusive content on the PS3 version? It's not like the fighter portion of the exclusive content are some unknown fighters nearly no one has ever heard of either. It's Royce Friggin' Gracie, Jens Pulver and Dan Severn!!! 3 LEGENDARY names in UFC and MMA history.

5141d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

edit- double post

5142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I'm going to have to disagree back with you my fellow STar Wars EU fan (my 2 PSN IDs are Darth-Krayt and Exar_Kun). 2 reasons. Lets say if you hypothetically had and infinite straight road, or you're out on the salt flats or something. An unrestricted 850hp NASCAR stock car is going to have a greater top speed than a restricted 450hp NASCAR stock car. It's not less horse power because it's a smaller displacement engine. It's the same exact engine just with the amount...

5142d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, restrictor plates GREATLY affect top speed. They reduce the amount of air and gas getting to the engine...of COUSE that affects to speed. A couple/few years back, just before they switched to the new cars, NASCAR did some testing at Talladega without restrictor plates. Do you know what the top speed was?........237 mph, and that was a solo car, no draft. Restrictor plates GREATLY reduce top speed. If they didn't there would be deaths every year if people were crashing at those speeds....

5143d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely disagree. I actually think it would come out better on PS3. Epic has shown 1st hand the results they can get on PS3 with the UE3 with Unreal Tournament 3. It came out FAR better on PS3 than it did on 360 and the 360 version had 6 whole months of extra development time. It had better visuals, better performance, and even controlled tighter along with having more features. Mark Rein and the UT team all had high praise for PS3 hardware, and stated even they were surprised with their...

5168d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I disagree. I don't think Sony paid a single penny for this content. I think it's something THQ decided to do on their own for 2 reasons. 1. to push sales on that platform. 2009 probably sold less on PS3 and they want something to boost those sales a bit. Or it could be the opposite and it sold more on PS3 and they are giving the extra content for that reason. Either way, they have the extra disc space at their disposal, so why not take advantage of it. And that's the second reason. I'm sick ...

5183d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As someone said, Pacific Rift is by FAR the most under-rated great game this gen so far. The game is outstanding. Racing games have been my favorite genre of game for 25 years, and Motorstorm just from it's demo became my favorite racing game of all time, and Pacific Rift topped the original in every way. No other racing game on the entire gaming market comes close to Motorstorm for pure fun and intensity.

I agree and disagree on what you said about Motorstorm's onlin...

5206d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

5206d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did Bungie really say Heavy Rain has no replay value? LOL WOW, how ignorant.

Really? A game with 60 chapters than can all turn out a variety of different ways, and has 20 plus endings has no replay value?! What a dope. That sounds like the absolute epitome of "replay value" to me. I can't think of any other game with that kind of replay value to be honest.

Edit- @Blizzard. GT lost their credibility with me way back when they gave Halo 3 a higher score for ...

5225d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, they were NOT correct on Ghostbusters. They made that game look FAR worse on PS3 than it did in reality. I don't care what you say someone said. Look at Lens of "Truth"'s Ghostbusters comparison, and look at it compared to the actual GameTrailers comparison. The 360 version only looked SLIGHTLY better in the REAL comparison. The Lens of "Truth" comparison had them looking like 2 different generations of games.

At launch the PS3 version of GB looked worse, ...

5226d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

That site has proven time and time again that they can't be trusted.
1st they only compare games that either the 360 version looks better, or the games have almost no graphical difference.
2nd even though they only try to compare games that 360 looks better, the fact is they often have to skew the results to make that the case by mixing up settings in roll overs and sometimes labelling one version as the other (which they did here)

On this game, notice in the side by ...

5226d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

I can't believe I was once again conned into giving this guy a hit. All articles based on this guy should be marked clearly as such. I don't like supporting a guy who's trying to pass himself off as a professional who talks in that retarded manner. He turns my stomach. And regardless of the stupid way he talks, he can't talk for beans anyway. Constantly stumbling over his words.

But aside from him being a total tool, he's right FF13 will look better on PS3. But he's wrong in sayi...

5232d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

This has already been confirmed to be total bunk both on the official MAG forum and on the PlayStation Blog.

5238d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

are you the lonewolf from Motorstorm?

5245d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment lowcarb. I was able to get through earlier, no luck since though.

If he has actually seen these comparisons, it's SO obviousls Heavy Rain looks better. Alan Wake has very nice textures, I'll give it that, but man, the entirety of every AW shot is chock full of probably the most jaggies I've ever seen. It's pretty crazy how jaggie the game is. It very much looks like a video game. Heavy Rain also has very good textures and has absolutely no jaggies. It looks like a CGI mo...

5245d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment